When Andrea invited me over to make suckers I just have to say that the reason I went was not for the suckers (I'm just not a sucker kind of a gal) but rather just to hang out with Andrea because she's so fabulous. She really doesn't believe she's fabulous, but everyone she knows will tell you the same thing "F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S". You couldn't have a more kind, loving, generous, or loyal friend. So I really wasn't much help during our sucker making time because I was doing other things (like taking pictures). I was surprised to find that making suckers is fun and it's even more fun to take pictures of suckers. Since we had such a great time together and she loves nicknames (you do love nicknames don't you Andrea?), I'm giving her a new nickname from our most special experience, "SuckURRRRRR!!!!!" We can call her "Sucky" for short. I think she'll like it, I know her brothers will. I grew up hearing it often enough.