Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Golden princess

I've taken to hauling my camera about with most places I go and because it's so big it always draws attention, especially with kids. This afternoon this little girl was rather dismayed when I explained I could only take her picture if her mommy said it was okay. She didn't quite believe I needed parental permission (even with much and repeated assurance). After what felt like an official nod from the executive office, we got down to business. "One picture", she told me. We had differing views where the "one picture" should take place. When I said, "But right here your hair looks like the golden tresses of a princess sparkling in the sunlight", she was sold. She may not know what tresses are, but she got the princess gold part just fine. I don't think I've ever had a four year old be so professional and composed for me. I just may hire her to come work with me on family sittings to demonstrate to the adults on how to have their picture taken.